Thursday, November 25, 2010

Arsitektur DBMS Mulitiuser

Arsitektur Database Sistem
Tingkat Eksternal (External Level)
Menerangkan view basis data dari sekelompok pemakai.

Tingkat Konseptual (Conseptual Level)
Menerangkan informasi basis data secara me-nyeluruh dengan menyembunyikan penyimpan-an data secara fisik.

Tingkat Internal (Internal Level)
Menerangkan struktur penyimpanan basis data secara fisik dan organisasi file yang digunakan.

Contoh : sebuah file Pegawai yang akan didefinisikan

Tingkat Eksternal (External Level) :


02 PEG_NO PIC X(6).
02 DEPT_NO PIC X(4).
02 GAJI PIC 9(6).

Tingkat Konseptual (Conceptual Level) :


Tingkat Internal (Internal Level) :


Data Independence

Kapasitas untuk merubah skema pada satu level sistem basis data tanpa harus merubah skema pada level lainnya.

1.Physical Data Independence
Perubahan pada skema internal dimana tidak mempengaruhi kema konseptual dan eksternal.

2.Logical Data Independence
Perubahan pada skema konseptual dimana tidak mempengaruhi skema eksternal dan aplikasi program.

Mapping (Transformasi)

Proses pendefinisian informasi dari satu level ke level lainnya.

Conceptual/Internal Mapping

Pendefinisian hubungan antara view konseptual dengan basis data di level internal (Bagaimana record-record/field-field didalam level konseptual didefinisikan dilevel internal)

External/Conceptual Mapping

Pendefinisian hubungan antara view konseptual dengan view eksternal

DBMS (Database Management Systems)

DBMS adalah perangkat lunak yang menangani semua pengaksesan database. Mempunyai fasilitas membuat, mangakses, memanipulasi dan memelihara basis data.

Bahasa Dalam DBMS

1.Data Definition Language (DDL)

2.Data Manipulation Language (DML)
Procedural DML
Non Procedural

Fungsi DBMS

1.Data Definition
DBMS harus dapat mengolah pendefinisian data

2.Data Manipulation
DBMS harus dapat menangani permintaan-permintaan dari pemakai untuk mengakses data

3.Data Security & Integrity
DBMS harus dapat memeriksa security dan integrity data yang didefinisikan oleh DBA

4.Data Recovery & Concurency
-DBMS harus dapat menangani kegagalan-kegagalan pengaksesan database yang dapat disebabkan oleh kesalahan sistem, kerusakan disk, dsb.
-DBMS harus dapat mengontrol pengaksesan data yang konkuren yaitu bila satu data diakses secara bersama-sama oleh lebih dari satu pemakai pada saat yang bersamaan.

5.Data Dictionary
DBMS harus menyediakan data dictionary

DBMS harus menangani unjuk kerja dari semua fungsi seefisien mungkin.

Komponen DBMS

1.Query Processsor
2.Database Manager
3.File Manager
4.DML Preprocessor
5.DDL Compiler
6.Dictionary Manager

Arsitektur DBMS Multi User


Arsitektur tradisional untuk sistem multi user adalah teleprocessing, dimana satu komputer dengan sebuah CPU dan sejumlah terminal seperti pada gambar di bawah ini.


Proses didistribusikan ke dalam jaringan, sejenis LAN (Local Area Network). File server mengendalikan file yang diperlukan oleh aplikasi dan DBMS. Meskipun aplikasi dan DBMS dijalankan pada masing-masing workstation, tetapi tetap meminta file dari file server jika diperlukan (perhatikan gambar di bawah ini).

Kerugian arsitektur file-server adalah
-Terdapat lalulintas jaringan yang besar
-Masing-masing workstation membutuhkan copy DBMS
-Kontrol terhadap concurrency, recovery dan integrity menjadi lebih kompleks karena sejumlah DBMS mengakses file secara bersamaan

Client Server

Client-server menunjukkan cara komponen software berinteraksi dalam bentuk sistem.

Data Dictionary

Data dictionary adalah tempat penyimpanan informasi yang menggambarkan data dalam database. Data dictionary biasa disebut juga dengan metadata atau data mengenai data.
Berisi tentang :
-nama-nama user yang mempunyai wewenang untuk menggunakan DBMS
-nama-nama item data yang ada dalam database
-jenis dan ukuran item data
-batasan untuk masing-masing item data

Model Data

Sekumpulan konsep-konsep untuk menerangkan data, hubungan-hubungan antara data dan batasan-batasan data yang terintegrasi di dalam suatu organisasi.

1.Model Data Berbasis Objek
Model data berbasis objek menggunakan konsep entitas, atribut dan hubungan antar entitas.

2.Model Data Berbasis Record
Pada model data berbasis record, database terdiri dari sejumlah record dalam bentuk yang tetap yang dapat dibedakan dari bentuknya. Ada 3 macam jenis model data berbasis record, yaitu :
-model data relasional (relational)
-model data hierarkhi (hierarchical)
-model data jaringan (network)

3.Model Data Fisik
Menggambarkan data pada tingkat internal; penyimpanan data secara detailnya dengan format record penyusunan record dan jalur akses.

4.Model Data Konseptual
Menyediakan konsep yang sesuai dengan persepsi pemakai yang memandang datanya.
READ MORE - Arsitektur DBMS Mulitiuser

Friday, November 19, 2010

Etika Berinternet

Sejak terbentuknya ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) pada tahun 1969, jaringan komputer di dunia tumbuh sangat cepat membentuk internet sehingga membuat batas-batas negara seakan-akan menghilang. Sekarang dengan sebuah komputer yang terhubung dengan internet, seseorang dapat belajar jarak jauh (e-learning), perdagangan jarak jauh (e-commerce), menemukan berbagai informasi yang tersimpan di dalam jutaan komputer di dunia!
Bayangkan! Hanya dengan sentuhan tangan, seorang peselancar internet dapat menyimpan ensiklopedi berbagai pengetahuan yang jumlah halamannya ratusan bahkan ribuan halaman! Tentu dengan adanya teknologi internet ini memudahkan kita mendapatkan berbagai informasi yang dibutuhkan.
Internet atau International Network, merupakan jaringan komputer sejagat bumi. Bila suatu komputer terhubung dengan internet dan mempunyai hak akses, maka komputer tersebut dapat berkelana seantero komputer-komputer yang terhubung dengannya.
Internet bagaikan sebuah kota elektronik yang sangat besar dimana setiap penduduk yang memiliki alamat (Internet Address) dapat untuk berkirim surat atau informasi. Jika penduduk itu ingin berkeliling kota, cukup dengan menggunakan komputer sebagai kendaraan. Jaringan jalannya bertumpu di atas sarana atau media telekomunikasi. Jalur lambatnya menggunakan line telepon, dan jalur cepatnya bisa menggunakan wireless.
Berinternet atau kegiatan “berselancar” di jaringan komputer internasional ini merupakan salah satu aktifitas yang dilakukan oleh sekitar 1,3 Milyar manusia di bumi ini. Berinternet sudah hampir menjadi suatu kegiatan interaksi sosial.
Tulisan berikut merupakan artikel Etika Ber-InterNet #1:
Saling Menghormati dan Berperilaku Baik. Ini adalah istilah umum yang biasa dipakai ketika orang saling berkomunikasi. Apalagi sebagai umat Islam, semuanya ini termasuk sebagai bagian dari Ibadah.
Tidak ada bedanya ketika kita berkomunikasi juga secara online di dunia maya (Berinternet). Bagaimana kita akan dianggap, tipe orang seperti apakah kita, kredibilitas kita, profesionalisme dan etika (akhlak) kita akan dinilai dengan bagaimana kita berkomunikasi dengan orang line secara online.
Untuk itu, ada beberapa etika yang perlu diketahui ketika kita berkomunikasi dengan orang. Berikut ini adalah beberapa hal dasar yang perlu diketahui (Common Courtesies):
  1. Jangan menulis dengan huruf besar
    Menulis dengan huruf besar sama dengan berteriak. Orang tidak suka berkomunikasi dengan orang yang berteriak-teriak, seolah-olah dia tidak mendengarkan.
  2. Menahan diri dari menggunakan huruf berwarna dan gambar/warna background.
    Pilihan warna akan mempersulit pemrosesan email, dan bisa mengakibatkan sulit dibaca, sehingga isi yang ingin disampaikan tidak sampai.
  3. Pada saat dimana kita perlu mengirimkan email ke beberapa orang atau group, gunakan fasilitas BCC (Blind Carbon Copy), sehingga email orang lain yang menerima email kita tidak bisa dilihat oleh penerima yang lain. Daftar email yang panjang di field Cc: menunjukkan bahwa si pengirim masih belajar ber-email atau tidak menghargai “privacy” orang lain.
  4. Untuk orang yang baru ber-email, ingat hal berikut:
    • Jangan mem-forward “dumb joke”, “chain letter”, atau “unimportant email” tanpa permisi orang lain
    • Mem-forward email bisa membuat penuh “mailbox” orang lain, menghabiskan “resources” orang lain, dan bisa menyebabkan email mental
    • Mereka mungkin sudah pernah lihat email tsb dan tidak menyukainya
    • Mem-forward “humorous email” bisa menyinggung perasaan orang atau merasa bosan dengan mendapatkan email yang sama dari seseorang yang baru belajar online
  5. Jangan pernah memberikan nomor telepon atau personal information
  6. Gunakan Internet untuk mencari informasi yang diperlukan. Gunakan search engine yang tepat
  7. Jangan gunakan “Return Receipt” untuk setiap email yang dikirim. Seolah-olah kita ingin tahu apakah mereka membuka email yang kita kirim
  8. Setiap orang masih belajar.
    Internet berubah setiap hari, dan kita semua harus mempelajari perubahan yang ada
  9. Kalau menerima “nasty” email, jangan langsung membalas
  10. Ingat bahwa email pribadi adalah hak cipta si penulis.
    Jika ingin memforward email pribadi, sempatkan meminta izin dari penulis
  11. Selalu minimize atau kompress file menjadi “zip” file dengan attachment.
    Tidak semua orang mempunyai hi-speed internet access, dan tidak semua orang mempunyai kapasitas email yang tidak terbatas
  12. Jangan memforward “virus warnings”.
    Kebanyakan email “virus warning” adalah “hoax” atau “tipuan”. Periksa dulu di sebelum mengirim email.
READ MORE - Etika Berinternet

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pengenalan Assembly

1. Apakah Sebenarnya Bahasa Assembly itu?


Bahasa Assembly (Assembler) adalah merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak bahasa pemrograman yang tergolong dalam Bahasa Pemrogaman Tingkat Rendah (Low Level Language) dan hanya setingkat diatas bahasa mesin (Machine Language).

2. Mengapa Assembly?


Assembly memiliki kelebihan yang tidak dapat digantikan oleh bahasa pemrogaman manapun. Diantaranya adalah :

- Hasil program memiliki tingkat kecepatan yang tinggi.

- Ukuran dari program kecil.

- Sangat mudah untuk mengakses Sistem Komputer.

3. Apakah Segment dan Offset itu?


Segment dan Offset merupakan suatu angka 16 bit (direpresntasikan dalam bilangan hexa) yang menunjukkan suatu alamat tertentu di memory komputer. Pasangan segment : offset ini disebut juga alamat relatif. Selain alamat relatif, terdapat juga alamat mutlak berupa angka 20 bit (juga direpresentasikan dalam bilangan hexa). Alamat mutlak ini dapat dihitung dengan mengalikan segment dengan 10 hexa dan ditambahkan dengan offset.

Contoh : segment : offset

0100 : 1234

Alamat relatifnya adalah : 02234

4. Apakah Interrupt itu?


Interrupt adalah permintaan kepada microprocessor untuk melakukan suatu perintah. Ketika terjadi permintaan interupsi, microprocessor akan mengeksekusi interrupt handler , yaitu suatu program yang melayani interupsi. Setitap interrupt handler itu memiliki alamat masing - masing yang disimpan dalam bentuk array yang masing - masing terdiri dari 4 byte (2 offset dan 2 segment). Array ini disebut vektor interupsi . Vektor interupsi ini disusun berdasarkan nomor interupsi yaitu dari hexa. Selain itu, dikenal juga istilah service dan subservice, maksudnya adalah bahwa setiap interrupt itu dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian yang mempunyai tugas masing - masing. Tetapi ada juga interrupt yang tidak memiliki service, contohnya int 29.

5. Apakah Register itu?


Register adalah merupakan sebagian memory dari microprocessor yang neniliki kecepatan sangat tinggi. Dapat juga dianalogikan bahwa register merupakan kaki tangan dari microprocessor.

Register dibagi menjadi lima bagian besar yaitu :

1. Segment Register (16 bit)

Register untuk menunjukkan alamat dari suatu segment. Yang termasuk register segment :

. CS (Code Segment)

Menunjukkan alamat segment dari program yang sedang aktif.

. DS (Data Segment)

Menunjukkan alamat segment dari data program (variabel).

. SS (Stack Segment)

Menunjukkan alamat segment dari stack yang digunakan program.

. ES (Extra Segment)

Merupakan register segment cadangan.

2. Pointer dan Index Register (16 bit) Register untuk menunjukkan alamat dari suatu offset.

Yang termasuk register pointer dan index :

. SP (Stack Pointer)

Berpasangan dengan SS (SS : SP).

. BP (Base Pointer)

Berpasangan dengan SS (SS : BP).

. DI (Destination Index)

Berpasangan dengan ES (ES : DI). Dipakai untuk operasi string.

. SI (Source Index)

Berpasangna dengan DS (DS : SI). Dipakai untuk operasi string.

3. General Purpose Register (16 bit)

Register ini dapat digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan, tetapi masing - masing juga memiliki fungsi khusus. Jenis register ini memiliki ciri khas, yaitu dapat dibagi lagi menjadi register 8 bit, register tinggi/high, dan register rendah/low.

Yang termasuk register general purpose :

. AX --> AH|AL (Accumulator)

Untuk menangani operasi arithmatika.

. BX --> BH|BL (Base)

Untuk menunjukkan alamat offset.

. CX --> CH|CL (Counter)

Untuk looping, menunjukkan berapa kali looping terjadi.

. DX --> DH|DL (Data)

Untuk menampung sisa pembagian bilangan 16 bit.

4. Index Pointer Register (16 bit)

Hanya terdiri dari 1 register yaitu IP yang berpasangan dengan reguster CS (CS : IP) untuk menunjukkan alamat instruksi selanjutnya yang akan dieksekusi.

0125. Flags Register (1 bit)

Register ini berfungsi untuk menunjukkan suatu kondisi (ya atau tidak).

Register ini hanya bernilai 0 dan 1.

Yang termasuk register flags :

. OF (Overflow Flag) 1 jika terjadi overflow

. SF (Sign Flag) 1 jika digunakan bilangan bertanda

. ZF (Zero Flag) 1 jika hasil operasi bernilai 0

. CF (Carry Flag) 1 jika operasi menghasilkan carry

. PF (Parity Flag) 1 jika hasil operasi bilangan genap

. DF (Direction Flag) 1 jika alur proses alur proses menurun pada string

. IF (Interrupt Flag) 1 jika proses dapat diinterupsi

. TF (Trap Flag) 1 jika dapat ditrace / debug

. AF (Auxiliary Flag) digunakan pada operasi bilangan BCD

. NT (Nested Task) digunakan untuk menangani interupsi beruntun

. IOPL (I/O Protection Level) digunakan untuk mode proteksi (2 bit)

6. Bagaimana memulai Assembly?


Bahasa assembly tidak seperti bahasa tingkat tinggi (High Level Language) yang biasanya memiliki IDE - Integrated Development Environment, bahasa assembly dapat diketikkan dalam berbagai macam editor teks, misalnya BC, TC, TURBO, NOTEPAD, EDIT, dan editor teks lainnya. Yang perlu diingat bahwa ekstensi dari program assembly haruslah .ASM. Setelah program assembly diketikkan dan disimpan dengan ekstensi .ASM, maka program tersebut harus dikompilasi menjadi Object File berekstensi .OBJ, dan kemudian harus dilink menjadi executable file (.EXE/.COM), executable file inilah yang baru dapat dijalankan.

Untuk mengcompile : C:\TASM

Untuk melink : C:\LINK

C:\Option /t untuk melink file ke .COM

C:\Untuk melink menjadi .EXE, hilangkan option /t ini.

atau pake cara langsung :

7. Apakah Perbedaan .COM dan .EXE?


Perbedaan program .COM dan .EXE adalah :

Program .COM Program .EXE

- Hanya menggunakan 1 segment untuk º - Menggunakan banyak segment.

- code, data, dan stack. º

- Ukuran program relatif kecil º - Ukuran program relatif besar

- Hasil program lebih cepat º - Hasil program lebih lambat

- Hanya dapat menangani program kecil º - Dapat menangani program yang besar(<=64 KByte).

8. Bagaimana Struktur Program .COM?


Untuk .COM dan .EXE memiliki struktur program yang berbeda, untuk kesempatan ini hanya akan dibahas struktur program .COM.

Berikut ini struktur program .COM (tanda ; adalah untuk komentar) :

nama_segment segment ; nama_segment diisi terserah anda

; Baris ini untuk memberikan nama sebuah segment

assume cs : nama_segment ; Menunjukkan CS ke segment yang sudah kita beri nama

org 100h ; Untuk PSP - Program Segment Prefix

; PSP ini digunakan untuk berhubungan dengan DOS

label_pertama : ; Di Assembly, minimal harus ada satu label,

; penamaan label terserah anda

mov ah,04ch ; service

int 21h ; int 21h service 04ch merupakan instruksi untuk

; keluar dari program

nama_segment ends ; Akhir dari sebuah segment

end label_pertama ; Label yang paling pertama harus ditutup dengan perintah ini

9. Bagaimana Variabel dalam Assembly?


Dalam assembly dikenal beberapa jenis data, yaitu :

- db (define byte) --> Besarnya 1 byte (0h - FFh)

- dw (define word) --> Besarnya 2 byte (0h - FFFFh)

- dd (define double word) --> Besarnya 4 byte (0h - FFFFFFFFh)

- df (define far word) --> Besarnya 6 byte (0h - FFFFFFFFFFFFh)

- dq (define quad word) --> Besarnya 8 byte (0h - FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh)

- dt (define temp word) --> Besarnya 10 byte (0h - FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh)

10. INT, MOV, JMP, dan LEA




INT adalah perintah untuk melaksanakan suatu interupsi.

Syntaxnya adalah : INT no_interupsi

Contoh : INT 20h ; untuk program terminate



mOV adalah perintah untuk mengisi nilai ke register, variabel, atau alamat memory tertentu.

Syntaxnya adalah :MOV destination,source

Contoh : MOV AX,5 ; nilai AX akan berisi 5



JMP adalah perintah untuk melakukan lomptan ke label tertentu.

Syntaxnya adalah : JMP nama_label

Contoh : JMP label1 ; Program akan melompat ke label1



LEA adalah perintah untuk mendapatkan alamat dari sebuah variabel.

Syntaxnya adalah : LEA variabel

Contoh : lea si,bil1 ; si akan berisi offset bil1

11. Contoh Program Sederhana


Program berikut ini akan membersihkan layar, kemudian akan muncul sebuah kalimat dan akan diminta untuk memasukkan sebuah karakter. Kemudian akan ditampilkan lagi sebuah kalimat diikuti dengan karakter yang tadi dimasukkan. code segment

assume cs : code

org 100h

begin : jmp start

kal1 db 'Masukkan sebuah karakter : $'

kal2 db 10,13,'Karakter yang anda masukkan adalah : $'

kar db ?

start : mov ah,0

mov al,3h

int 10h

mov ah,9h

lea dx,kal1

int 21h

12mov ah,1h

int 21h

mov kar,al

mov ah,9h

lea dx,kal2

int 21h

mov al,kar

int 29h

mov ah,4ch

int 21h

code ends

end begin

Simpanlah program diatas dengan ekstensi .asm (misal test.asm), kemudian compile program tersebut dengan perintah :


misal : tasm test.asm

Maka akan dihasilkan sebuah object file berekstensi .obj, kemudian link file tersebut dengan perintah :

tlink /t

misal : tlink /t test.obj

Maka akan dihasilkan sebuah file berekstensi .com, cobalah jalankan !
READ MORE - Pengenalan Assembly

Shortcut Manager Is a Powerful Custom Shortcut Builder For Chrome

If you've ever been annoyed you couldn't find an extension that had the perfect shortcut for the task you wanted, Shortcut Manager is the tool for you; build custom shortcuts that access browser functions and even call JavaScript.

Shortcut Manager can help you create shortcuts ranging from simple to complex. What to close all the tabs left of the tab you're currently reading? You can create a shortcut for it in a matter of seconds. Want special shortcuts for a bookmarklet, but only on certain pages? No problem, create a white list for that shortcut and slap the JavaScript from the bookmarklet in.

Shortcut Manager's shortcut builder even warns you when the key combination you want to use will have undesired effects—like the first key in the series will call a function up that can't be overruled—or if the key combination already exists for the browser can could cause conflict.

Visit the link below to read more and grab a copy. Shortcut Manager is a free extension and works wherever Chrome does.
READ MORE - Shortcut Manager Is a Powerful Custom Shortcut Builder For Chrome

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Different Ways to Unlock Phone

An unlocked phone can give you the flexibility of using different type of SIM cards on your cell phone. On the other hand, a locked phone will only work on a SIM card that is exclusive to the service provider that your phone was initially subscribed to. You cannot use alternative SIM cards on a locked phone. This can be a hassle to a lot of people. If you are no longer happy with the services of your network provider, you have no choice but to buy a different handset. Else, if you have an unlocked phone, all you need to do is to change SIM cards and keep the phone. Travellers benefit a lot from an unlocked phone. This way, they do not need to pay extra when they go abroad and just use a different type of SIM card on their phone to save on roaming charges.

Because a lot of cell phone users want the flexibility of using different SIM cards on their phone, there are many phone unlocking services that you can find on the Internet and offline as well. But before you pay someone for cell phone unlock services, you can try doing it on your own.

Before you go through the phone unlocking procedure, you need to know if you have a GSM or a CDMA phone. A GSM phone has a SIM card slot on it and uses a SIM card to be able to function. This is the only type of phone that can possibly be unlocked. CDMA phones cannot be unlocked.

Your first option is to call up the service provider that you are subscribed to. If you are lucky, you can get the unlock code for free, especially if you have been with them for years. This is by far the simplest way to have your phone unlock.

If you do not want to deal with phone unlocking yourself, you can pay someone else to do it for you. You can search the Internet for phone unlocking services or hand your phone to a reliable cell phone technician nearest to you.

But if you want to unlock cell phone yourself, get the IMEI number of your cell phone by typing in *#06# on your phone. The IMEI number is also the serial number of your phone. You can also find this same number at the back of your cell phone just right under the battery.

You then need to download a software that can generate unlock codes. This can be found on the Internet at no cost. Some paid softwares usually offer support for users. Upon downloading the software, you need to provide your IMEI number and the manufacturer of your phone. You will be given a code that you can use for phone unlocking. If the phone does not allow you to use a different SIM card on it, the unlock code is not valid and you can use another one. Once you get your phone unlocked with the right code, you can try using a different SIM card on it and use the full features of your cell phone just the same.
READ MORE - Different Ways to Unlock Phone

How to Jailbreak your iPhone?

Here's how to jailbreak (or in the case of phones, unlocked) any iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad, using the new Spirit tool. But first, a disclaimer:

When you jailbreak or unlock a device, you're chaining some fundamental aspects of the system software-you know, real low-level stuff. The tools are generally good, and if you follow directions carefully, you should be fine. But if something goes wrong-and there is more than one way this can happen-you can suffer data loss, or even brick your phone. Even worse, Apple claims that jailbreaking voids your warranty. You can restore your device to remove evidence that it ever happened, but if the device goes down while jailbroken, you could well be stuck. In addition, jailbreaking does not jibe with the DMCA, and breaks relate license agreements.

To the point: Follow this guide at your own peril, know that there's risk and be careful. Consult elsewhere if you're nervous, or worry that I've missed something.

How To Jailbreak
The Spirit tool has made the jailbreak fairly simple, but there's still room for error. Step by step:

What You Need:
. Spirit Jailbreak Tool (Windows and Mac)
. iTunes 9.x (Latest confirmed working version: 9.1.1)
. iPod cable
. An iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch that a.) Isn't currently jailbroken (obvious, but just in case), b.) is working, i.e. not stuck in a startup loop, or displaying that "Connect to iTunes" screen and c.) is running a device software version 3.1.3 or lower (or in the case of the iPad, version 3.2)

1. Plug your device in, so that it's recognized by iTunes

2. Back up your device to your iTunes library, and sync it. Having the backup handy will allow to you restore your settings in case you need to wipe your device later; syncing everything-including photos, which some users report losing during the jailbreak process-ensures that all the media on your device will remain untouched, or at least restorable.

3. Open the Spirit Jailbreak tool. It will open in a small window, and should display a message like "iPad (3.2) Connected." If not, disconnect and reconnect your device, and open the tool again.

4. Click "Jailbreak"

5. During the jailbreak routine, don't interfere with the device. It's probably better to leave your computer alone as well, to avoid a crash at a critical moment. First, you should see a screen on the device that says "Restore Complete." The device will restart, display a spinning pinwheel icon, and open up a colorful screen like this, with a progress bar:

Spirit should be done doing its thing in under 30 seconds. Your device should then boot up to your homescreen, as it was before-same background, same apps, same settings. Now you're jailbroken. But there's one more thing:

6. When you restart your device, you'll see a new icon on your homescreen, called Cydia. Open it up. This is your new App Store. Don't worry, the regular App Store still works. Now you've just got another one.

Cydia will look a bit different on the iPad and iPhone or iPod Touch, but will contain most of the same software.

The first thing you need to do, though, is click the button that says, "Make my life easier, thanks!"

This will back up your device activation profile (called an SHSH blob) to remote servers, which ensures that you won't lose the ability to jailbreak if you accidentally upgrade your device device software in the future. More on that later.

Regarding Unlocking

Traditionally, unlocking (opening your phone to use with different carriers) and jailbreaking have fallen to the same tools. Since unlocking has become more difficult with later firmwares, the tools have grown apart. Spirit doesn't unlock. If you want to unlock, though, there may be hope.

READ MORE - How to Jailbreak your iPhone?

Difference Between Analog and Digital?

Analog and Digital

As a technology, analog is the process of taking an audio or video signal (the human voice) and translating it into electronic pulses. Digital on the other hand is breaking the signal into a binary format where the audio or video data is represented by a series of "1"s and "0"s. Simple enough when it's the deviceanalog or digital phone, fax, modem, or likewisethat does all the converting for you.

Digital versus analog can refer to method of input, data storage and transfer, the internal working of an instrument, and the kind of display. The word comes from the same source as the word digit and digitus.
The digital technology breaks your voice (or television) signal into binary code a series of 1s and 0s transfers it to the other end where another device (phone, modem or TV) takes all the numbers and reassembles them into the original signal. The beauty of digital is that it knows what it should be when it reaches the end of the transmission. That way, it can correct any errors that may have occurred in the data transfer. What does all that mean to you? Clarity. In most cases, you'll get distortion-free conversations and clearer TV pictures. The nature of digital technology allows it to cram lots of those 1s and 0s together into the same space an analog signal uses. Like your button-rich phone at work or your 200-plus digital cable service, that means more features can be crammed into the digital signal. Digital offers better clarity, but analog gives you richer quality. Digital like the VCR or the CD is coming down in cost and coming out in everything from cell phones to satellite dishes.

Phone lines

Digital lines are found in large, corporate phone systems. Though digital lines carry lower voltages than analog lines, they still pose a threat to your analog equipment.

Analog lines also referred to as POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service), support standard phones, fax machines, and modems. These are the lines typically found in your home or small office

There are digital-to-analog adapters that not only let you use analog equipment in a digital environment, but also safeguard against frying the internal circuitry of your phone, fax, modem, or laptop.

Cordless phone

The very nature of digital technologybreaking a signal into binary code and recreating it on the receiving endgives you clear, distortion-free cordless calls.

Cordless phones with digital technology are also able to encrypt all those 1s and 0s during transmission so your conversation is safe from eavesdroppers. Plus, more power can be applied to digital signals and thus, you'll enjoy longer range on your cordless phone conversations.

The advantage to analog cordless products? Well, they're a bit cheaper. And the sound quality is richer. So unless you need digital security, why not save a few bucks and go with an analog phone? After all, in home or small office environments where you may be the only cordless user, you won't have any interference issues.

Keep in mind, when talking about digital and analog cordless phones, you're talking about the signals being transferred between the handset and its base. The phones themselves are still analog devices that can only be used on analog lines. Also, the range of your cordless phoneanalog or digitalwill always depend on the environment.

Cellular Phones

Perhaps the most effective use of the digital versus analog technology is in the booming cellular market. With new phone activations increasing exponentially, the limits of analog are quickly being realized.

Digital cellular lets significantly more people use their phones within a single coverage area. More data can be sent and received simultaneously by each phone user. Plus, transmissions are more resistant to static and signal fading. And with the all-in-one phones out nowphone, pager, voice mail, internet accessdigital phones offer more features than their analog predecessors.

Analog's sound quality is still superioras some users with dual-transmission phones will manually switch to analog for better sound when they're not concerned with a crowded coverage areabut digital is quickly becoming the norm in the cellular market.

Better Sound Quality

Digital offers a better quality of sound. Proponents of digital claimed too that because digital scrambled up the signals into bursts, it was more secure than analog and can help thwart "cloning," an act of grabbing phone account information over the air in order to copy then resell that information for piracy purposes. By some industry estimates, close to $650 million in wireless services has been coveted by these big-eared crooks, which only adds onto the operator's bottom line a cost that is eventually passed on to the customer. Digital has stronger battery life than analog, and for the most part, better, more modern features on the phones.

READ MORE - Difference Between Analog and Digital?

My Top 5 Tech and Science Thoughts

Often I come across tech and science topics that bemuse or amuse me. So I have compiled a list of my top five tech musings for the week.

1. Google TV is a very, very big deal.

I remember when DailyTech founder Kris Kubicki told me back in 2008 what a big deal Android was going to be. At the time I admit, I didn't really "get it". I remember thinking, "An OS? No Gphone? This thing seems weak at best."

Today I'm a proud EVO owner and, like more than a few people, now realize what a motivated Google is capable of outside the realm of search. I think many people may not realize what a big deal Google TV is, much like I failed to realize the implications of the original Android OS in 2008.

Like the release of Android, it doesn't sound that flashy or amazing. But Google here has the potential to dominate an entirely new OS market segment.

Google clearly has an edge on Apple TV in that its less restrictive (in terms of apps) and needs one less box in that it embeds its functionality inside pre-existing devices (Blu-Ray players, HDTVs). Also, Google is a bigger name that other bit players in this emerging market (e.g. Boxee). And Google TV is really only a specialized build of Android OS, so much of the improvements to the smart phone OS were portable to the TV Android OS variant. In short, Google is poised to conquer this domain.

At first Google seemed to be having trouble getting multiple OEMs on board with the project, but now it has at least two in its camp. Following Sony's initial Google TV-powered lineup, Samsung will be launching a lineup of "Smart TVs" next year, powered by Google TV.

These days most people have a cell phone. And most people have a television. The way things are going, unless Google seriously drops the ball it looks like in 5 years people will be likely to have a Google OS powering both. That leads one to wonder -- what other OS realms might Google conquer? Cars? PCs? Microsoft clearly has the edge in these arenas, but a late start has hardly stopped Google in other markets thus far.

A final observation worth noting -- it is important to remember that a victory for Google's Android is a victory for Linux -- as Android IS a Linux distro, something many casual users don't realize. Could a Google-powered Linux OS lineup unseat Windows as the global OS king someday? We'll get the first taste of that battle later this fall when Google steps foot in Microsoft's territory -- the PC -- with Google's Chrome OS (also Linux-based) taking on Windows 7 in the tablet and netbook market.

2. Apple is doing some things right in the smart phone market.

In a blog/editorial (all editorials are essentially glorified blogs), I mention what the Apple could do to try to hold off Google in the smart phone market. Among those things was to scrap exclusivity ASAP, come up with alternate form factors, and relax app store restrictions.

Apple appears be following or preparing to follow all three of these suggestions. It has dropped the ban on Flash to Objective C app ports, potentially luring Flash developers back into the fold. It is preparing to launch a Verizon iPhone. And it reportedly is even working on a different form factor, which could potentially be sold alongside the traditional iPhone (perhaps the long rumored iPhone Nano).

When it comes to the corporate tech world, Apple has been, by degrees, one of the most reclusive, arrogant, and moralistic companies out there. Thus it's hard not to react negatively to many of their actions. However, in this case I think some praise is due for Apple finally embracing what seem like common sense when it comes to certain aspects of its smart phone business gameplan.

I doubt Apple followed my advice (or even read it!), but I'm glad that at the end of the day, they're finally seeing the light of reason (sorta).

3. I've experienced the dark side of Apple's quality issues.

My MacBook Pro, purchased last November during a Black Friday sale hasn't yet seen its first birthday, but has not one, but TWO problems.

First, the rubber coat of the power cord (which I always carefully wrap in the prescribed fashion) has split, and the cord itself (or at least surrounding wiring) is fraying. I probably will just end up buying a new adapter, but to get less than a year of life out of a critical component is a disturbing sign of quality shortcomings.

My second issue is that the audio card also seem to be going bad. When playing music sometimes the sound sporadically is coming out garbled and crackling. Bass-heavy tracks seem to accentuate this problem. I play a fair amount of music, but who doesn't?

The sound deterioration occurs both over the headphones and the built in speakers, so it's clearly either a drivers or sound hardware issue, not a failing speaker. I exclusively run in Boot Camp (with Windows 7) and the sound originally worked flawlessly, so I'm left to conclude that failing hardware is likely to blame -- unless Apple somehow rolled out a firmware update that broke things.

Either way, this is unacceptable performance for a laptop under a year old, and a reminder of how far from "magical" Apple's products truly are.

There are some good reasons to buy a MacBook Pro. I love the aluminum unibody case, the long battery life, and the light weight. In particular the weight has been a great perk as I haul my laptop around several times a day, every weekday.

But those strengths are somewhat overwhelmed by Apple's inability to practice quality control, as showcased by the problems with my unit. Like many Apple customers I'm left to ponder whether my problems are bad enough to necessitate a headache of digging up my warranty and being without my primary laptop for weeks.

4. Google's text message email password recovery is very, very dumb.

In a facepalm-worthy moment, my Gmail account reminded me "are you sure you don't want to give your phone number so we can send you a reset pin if you lose your password?"


What a great idea. So let's see -- many Gmail users have a smart phone (check). They have their email account attached to that smart phone (check).

So if you lose your phone, someone has your account, all they have to do is request a reset pin and they've entered your email account.

God help you if you lose your phone and have your Gmail account set for other password recovery services. And God help you if you use the same password for multiple sites online.

All someone would need to do in such a seemingly common situation would be to:
i. Take your phone and gain access to it.
ii. Request a reset pin, gaining access to your account.
iii. Scour your email history for common services.
iv. Request a password recovery email from these services
v. Use the recovered passwords to compromise your various online accounts.

All of this starts with the reset pin. I'm not sure what kind of great security mind dreamed up this feature, but in my opinion its one of the worse things that have come along since the password recovery question (e.g. What's your elementary school's name -- hint Google/Facebook search!) or recovery email (which is also probably sitting on your smart phone).

About the only good thing is at least if you lock your smart phone with Android you'll have a degree of protection, unless they can crack your password pattern. Of course, with the recent iOS lock screen bug, you might not be quite as lucky if you have an iPhone.

5. No matter where you stand on the evolution debate, this is downright funny.

"Conservapedia: Lenski dialog"

There's people that you want as a spokesperson, such as Michigan State Professor Richard Lenski. And there's people that you don't want as your spokesperson -- like Conservapedia owner Andy Schlafly.

Mr. Schlafly tried to accuse Professor Lenski of faking or distorting the results of his famous E. coli experiment, which showed bacteria evolving a new enzymatic capability. After a couple of ineffectual attempts at badgering Lenski into a response, he finally got one. And Lenski's resulting pwnage of Mr. Schlafly via logic and the written word was so severe that his previously noisy detractor couldn't even muster a reply.

Again, it's always important to consider who to adopt as the champion of your particular philosophy, lest ye look foolish.

<a target='_blank' href=''><img border='0' alt='' src=';n=b9d73d2' /></a>
READ MORE - My Top 5 Tech and Science Thoughts

Factory GPS Units, Portable GPS Units, Aftermarket GPS Units

It used to be that when you were driving along in unfamiliar territory that you'd call on the carbon-based lifeform occupying the passenger's seat to call out directions from a paper map, or just drive around aimlessly for hours trying to reach your final destination (that is if you were too “above it all” to stop and ask for directions).

Today, we have GPS units that give visual turn-by-turn directions, speak street names, and provide real-time traffic information to always give you the fastest route to your destination. For those that don't require all of the visual stimulation of a “traditional” GPS unit, there's always GM's OnStar service.

These days, I lump GPS units into three distinct categories: portable GPS units that you can mount on your dash or windshield, aftermarket GPS units that replace the head unit in your dashboard, and factory units that are nicely integrated into your vehicle's dashboard.

For those that have older vehicles or dashboard designs that don't lend themselves to aftermarket units, the portable GPS unit makes a perfect choice. These units can be had for as low as about $70 and quickly escalate from there depending on what features you want (spoken street names, real-time traffic, Bluetooth capabilities, MP3 support, etc.). Another plus is that they are by design portable, so if you have more than one directionally challenged driver in your household, you can share the unit between vehicles.

The downside, however, is that you have unsightly cords running down your dash for power, and you have to remember to take the GPS down when your park your vehicle in public (lest you trust the unsavory individuals that would love the chance to “smash and grab” for a GPS unit or portable media player left out in the open).

Another option is the aftermarket in-dash “multimedia” GPS unit which also replaces the factory audio system in your vehicle. These units are quite the step up from portable GPS units and offer just about every feature that you could possibly want. In addition to the traditional CD/DVD, terrestrial radio, and satellite radio features, all of the usual GPS functionality that you would expect can be found with these systems.

When it comes to pricing, these systems are usually priced squarely between portable and factory GPS systems. They also require some basic knowledge of car electronics to install, but you can always call on a friend or have it installed by a professional.

The downside to these aftermarket systems, however, is that they don't always seem to “fit in” with the design aesthetic of the vehicle's interior. Your 1995 Honda Civic interior might just look a tad bit out of place with a 2010-era multimedia GPS unit in your dash. On the flip-side, some may find the futuristic looks of such a unit a fresh upgrade to an otherwise dowdy interior.

The final solution is the factory GPS system when purchasing a new car. For many people, this may be the best option because you get a GPS unit that was specifically designed for your vehicle and is neatly integrated into the dashboard. Factory GPS systems also often integrate multiple vehicle functions into the touch screen and can spread those controls to the steering wheel for quick access or to center console-mounted controls (think BMW's i-Drive or Audi's MMI).

The downside, however, is that factory GPS units can be extremely pricey and can often cost thousands of dollars. This is especially problematic for cost-conscious buyers that are simply looking for the GPS upgrade, but are forced to buy more expensive factory packages which might include GPS, leather seats, and a moonroof for example.

When it comes down to it, all often comes down to personal preference and your budget. Is portability a factor for you? Do you want to add a more integrated experience into an older vehicle? Or do you want a GPS system that perfectly integrates with your vehicle's interior design and control system? There's no right or wrong answer, but be sure to do your research before jumping in feet first.
READ MORE - Factory GPS Units, Portable GPS Units, Aftermarket GPS Units

Solar Keyboard Charges Laptop Battery in Both Natural and Indoor Light

There hasn't been a real change in how peripherals are powered since wireless gear first showed up that used batteries for power. The catch with batteries or rechargeable keyboards or mice is that when they are out of power the user can't use the device until they recharge or plug in.

Logitech is one of the largest peripheral companies around and the company has announced a new keyboard called the Logitech Wireless Solar Keyboard K750. The new peripherals biggest feature is that it gets all the power it needs to operate from the light in your room. Like most solar calculators, the K750 isn't limited to using the sun alone for power. It can get juice to operate from any light source including your desk lamp or the glow from your monitor.

“The keyboard is still the best input device for typing emails and IMs, updating your Facebook™ page or posting responses to your favorite blogs — and the Logitech Wireless Solar Keyboard K750 is the next big innovation in keyboard technology,” said Denis Pavillard, vice president of product marketing for Logitech’s keyboards and desktops. “The Logitech Wireless Solar Keyboard is powered by light but can work in total darkness for up to three months. Plus, with its PVC-free construction and fully recyclable packaging, it’s designed to minimize its footprint.”

Exactly how much juice you get from your light source and if it's enough to keep your keyboard powered indefinitely will be easy to figure out with an app Logitech will offer later this month. The app installs on the computer and tells the user with an easy to understand digital gauge if the light source hitting the keyboard is enough to charge it adequately. The internal batteries will stay charged for three months once full so you can type in darkness.

The keyboard is very thin at about one-third of an inch making it low profile and comfortable to type on. The keys of the keyboard use the Incurve design for comfortable typing feel. The wireless tech is 2.4GHz and uses the Unifying Receiver of all Logitech gear. That receiver allows you to connect the keyboard and other Logitech peripherals without needing additional USB ports on the host computer.
READ MORE - Solar Keyboard Charges Laptop Battery in Both Natural and Indoor Light

Keeping your Laptop in Power

With smaller laptops such as netbooks really beginning to live up to their monica as truly "portable" devices, it is possible now that laptops can have battery lives that even exceed seven hours – however, even with several hours of battery life, a laptop can still be considered relatively power hungry. Luckily, considering that laptops are often working on a variety of different levels when they operate, it is possible to optimize your laptop usage, to get the most in terms of battery life.

There are obviously certain functions of a laptop that will have a greater hunger for power than others, and with this in mind, by ensuring that your laptop is not operating extraneously to your needs you will greatly enhance its battery life; for example, if you turn off your Wi-FI when it is not in use, you will considerably easy the strain on your laptop power supplies.

On a similar note, many laptops offer a range of performance options, and therefore when your just engaged in some word processing, for example, then it is a good idea to ensure that your laptop is running at the lowest performance setting, which will of course require less power.

Also, certain activities such as watching flash movies will be disproportionately power hungry, which means that if you are on the move and don't have your laptop ac adapter to hand then you might want to keep those sorts of activities to a minimum.

There are also some less obvious measures you can take to get the most out of your laptop power supplies, such as turning down the screen brightness and putting your laptop in hibernation mode when it is not in use.

Of course you laptop will eventually run out of power, and therefore it is a good idea to keep a laptop ac adapter to hand at all times – just in case you run out of juice!

READ MORE - Keeping your Laptop in Power

Types of Computer Hardware

Computer hardware is a physical part of a computer that executes within the hardware. It is unlike computer software or data that can be frequently changed, modified or erased on a computer. Computer hardware is not frequently changed and so is stored in hardware devices such as read only memory (ROM) where it is not readily changed.

Most computer hardware is embedded and so is not visible to normal users. Below are the different types of hardware's found in a computer.

Ø Motherboard: It is the central or primary circuit board making up a complex electronic system such as a computer. A motherboard is also known as a main board, logic board or system board.

Ø Central processing Unit: A CPU is the main component of a digital computer that interprets instructions and process data in computer programs.

Ø Random Access Memory: A RAM allows the stored data to be accessed in any order. RAM is considered as the main memory of the computer where the working area is used for displaying and manipulating data.

Ø Basic Input Output System: BIOS prepares the software programs to load, execute and control the computer.

Ø Power Supply: Power Supply supplies electrical energy to an output load or group of loads.

Ø Video Display Controller: It converts the logical representation of visual information into a signal that can be used as input for a display medium.

Ø Computer Bus: It is used to transfer data or power between computer components inside a computer or between computers.

Ø CD-ROM drive: It contains data accessible by a computer

Ø Flash drive: It is a data storage device

Ø Zip Drive: It is a medium capacity removable disk storage system.

Ø Hard Disk: It is a non-volatile data storage system that stores data on a magnetic surface layered unto hard disk platters.

READ MORE - Types of Computer Hardware

The Growing Success of the Call Center Industry

One of the most successful industries in the Philippines today is the call center industry. Part of what made it successful in the country is because of call center companies in the Philippines which are dedicated to provide the best call center service that any businesses and companies, from both local and foreign, can take advantage of. Such as what Magellan Call Center is known to have provided in the industry.

Success of the Call Center Industry

According to many industry experts, the call center industry had gained a lot of success because of call center companies such as Magellan Call Center, offering their call center services such as their order taking service to companies and businesses in the Philippines, of whom wouldn’t usually able to have their own call center department.

However, the main reason why the call center industry had success in the market is because of the success of their outsourcing services to offshore companies.

Outsourcing Services for Offshore Companies

The call center industry of the Philippines first started as a simple provider of email response and managing services to other businesses and companies in the Philippines. Eventually, the industry grew and expanded to offer a number of new call center services for businesses to benefit from such as travel services, technical support, education, customer care, financial services, and order taking service.

The expansion of services also triggered a major demand for call center services in the Philippines, particularly among many small and medium companies and businesses around the Philippines. This is the reason why the number of call center companies in the country had massively grown across the Philippines, introducing a number of new call center companies in the industry such as Magellan Call Center.

However, other than just offering their services to companies and businesses within the Philippines, many call centers in the country, such as Magellan Call Center, have also offered their call center services like order taking service to a number of offshore companies landing in the Philippines.

According to many industry experts, the reason why many offshore companies have chosen the Philippines as their base of outsourced operations, such as order taking service and other customer relation services, is because of the success of the call center industry of the Philippines due to the fact that many call center companies in the Philippines have paved the way for many companies in the Philippines to become successful.

In addition to that, Filipinos are also known for their keen knowledge and fluency of the use of the English language as well as cheaper workforce.

This led to the significant increase of demand for call center services in the Philippines which then lead to the increase of call center companies in the Philippines, while other call center companies, however, had been very successful in the industry, such as Magellan Call Center’s rapid growth and expansion in the Philippines.

Today’s Call Center Industry of the Philippines

Although the call center industry of the Philippines have suffered major losses when Global Recession had hit the world, particularly the US which led to a number of call center companies closing down in the Philippines, the call center industry of today is still known for its success, now that the industry have already picked up its pace in the market.

And because of the continues growth of call center companies in the Philippines, as well as the growing successes of existing call center companies such as Magellan Call Center, the call center industry of the Philippines is set to be one of the leading industries in the Philippines.
READ MORE - The Growing Success of the Call Center Industry

Thursday, November 4, 2010

How to Choose Education Supplies

Have you been fretting over your education supplies list? Is it time for kids to be back in school and you are wondering how to cut costs, while still organising a comprehensive range of high quality supplies? 

Choosing Education Supplies 

There are a plethora of things that you may require when considering school supplies. However, this endeavour does not need to drain your energy, bust your budget and completely stress you out. Here are some important considerations that you can keep in mind to ensure that you have the best education supplies within your budget. 

Make a list: If you go shopping without a list of the things that you need, you will definitely end up spending more than you intended to. So, first try and make as comprehensive a list as possible of all the things you require. Sometimes you may already have a list from the previous year or your school may have given you a list. You can use this, but make sure you go through all the items and brainstorm about what else you would need and what you can do without. 

Reuse and recycle: Not all education supplies are consumed within the span of a year. What you need to do is to make a list of all the things that you already have. These could range from furniture to play mats and from art supplies to gardening accessories. There are sure to be some things left over from the previous year. Once you have a list of the things that you already have, you can begin striking these from the list of things you need that you had previously made. 

Shop online: The best place to shop for education supplies is online. This is because online stores will offer you the supplies at a more reasonable price than brick and mortar stores. This is on account of a number of factors, including: 

- Online stores do not have huge overheads that they need to pass on to customers through higher priced products. 

- Online stores do not have to keep staff employed at the stores and these savings can be transferred to customers through discounted products. 

Apart from the cost factor, the other advantages of online shopping include: 

- You do not need to spend time driving to various stores , parking and walking around. So, it is simple, convenient and less time consuming. 

- You may find a website that offers a huge variety of education supplies. Thus, you can purchase all your supplies in one place. 

If there are items that you need that you are unable to find online, you can visit your local 99 cent or dollar store. 

Important Considerations while Shopping for Education Supplies 

Ensure that you make the list of the required education supplies as early in the year as possible. Stores typically offer higher discounts at the beginning of the session. Also, this would give you time to check out various websites and find the most suitable one from which you can purchase most of your supplies. Although many online stores will advertise discounts, do not go by price alone. It is better to think in terms of value for money. That way, you will get the best quality items at the most reasonable prices. It is also important to choose an online store that has a safe payment gateway. 

The quality of education supplies may play a less significant role when selecting consumable items like folders, paper, clips, etc. However, while selecting more durable items, like classroom tables and chairs, you should definitely choose high quality over low price. Certain types of furniture like gopak foster a positive learning environment. These are lightweight, durable and are available in different sizes and colours.
READ MORE - How to Choose Education Supplies

Debu Gunung Merapi Kalau Diperbesar

ABU vulkanik akibat letusan Gunung Merapi terus beterbangan ke berbagai daerah di sekitar gunung tersebut. Masyarakat sebaiknya mewaspadai abu ini karena bisa mengganggu kesehatan pernapasan, mata, dan kulit.

Setelah meletus pada Selasa (26/10) lalu, letusan susulan Gunung Merapi terus terjadi. Sabtu (30/10) malam, lagi-lagi gunung teraktif di dunia ini mengeluarkan awan panasnya. Disusul letusan berikutnya pada Senin (1/11). Tak hanya korban harta dan nyawa, meletusnya Gunung Merapi juga membawa dampak negatif bagi kesehatan.

Abu vulkanik dari Gunung Merapi yang terbawa angin ke berbagai arah hingga banyak membahayakan warga sekitar, terutama pada kesehatan. Abu vulkanik sering disebut juga pasir vulkanik atau jatuhan piroklastik adalah bahan material vulkanik jatuhan yang disemburkan ke udara saat terjadi letusan.

Dikatakan oleh ahli kesehatan paru dari Rumah Sakit Omni Alam Sutera Tangerang, Dr Thahri Iskandar SpP, pada prinsipnya sewaktu letusan gunung itu terjadi, berbagai macam batu-batuan dikeluarkan. “Kandungan yang terdapat dalam abu vulkanik sangat variatif,” kata dokter lulusan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya ini.

Thahri mengatakan, apabila dibagibagi, maka kandungan dalam abu vulkanik tersebut terdiri atas pasir dan batu-batuan, produk letusan seperti belerang, juga awan panas yang banyak disebut dengan wedhus gembel. “Semuanya sangat berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan, khususnya paru-paru,” ungkapnya.

Masih dijelaskan Thahri, saat menyerang pernapasan, dampak yang terjadi pun bisa beragam. Misalnya saja saat menyerang kepada orang yang sebelumnya sehat, maka bergantung seberapa besar debu itu menyerang seseorang. “Posisi juga menentukan seberapa besar abu tersebut masuk ke dalam pernapasan kita,” ungkapnya.

Nah, jika posisi seseorang dekat dengan abu vulkanik yang kemudian masuk ke dalam pernapasan cukup banyak, maka bisa membuat saluran pernapasan membengkak karena efek dari panasnya udara. Yang terjadi, bisa saja sesak napas, bahkan sampai mengancam jiwa.

Apabila awan tersebut naik ke angkasa yang kemudian membentuk awan panas, maka bisa sebabkan hujan asam yang juga membahayakan kesehatan maupun lingkungan. Kandungan racun dalam awan panas tadi dapat menurunkan kesuburan tanah dan kematian bagi hewan. “Namun, jika seseorang berada dalam posisi yang jauh, otomatis dampak pada kesehatan pun akan berkurang atau gejalanya lebih ringan,” sebutnya.

Berbeda halnya dengan seseorang yang sudah bermasalah pada paru-paru, seperti pada penderita asma misalnya. Umumnya pada seseorang yang memiliki riwayat asma, maka asmanya akan kumat. “Abu vulkanik merupakan salah satu pencetus terjadinya serangan asma,” paparnya.

Kita semua tahu bahwa asma adalah penyakit yang sifatnya terjadi terusmenerus yang biasanya terjadi apabila terdapat pencetusnya. Dalam hal ini, abu gunung menjadi salah satu pencetus asma yang kuat sehingga yang terjadi pada penderita asma biasanya adalah bengek yang bisa muncul kapan saja saat terpapar abu vulkanik.

Selain asma, abu vulkanik juga sangat berbahaya bagi seseorang yang sudah menderita penyakit paru obstruktif kronik (PPOK) atau penyakit yang disebabkan gas atau asap yang beracun dan berbahaya.

Di Indonesia yang disebut sebagai gas atau asap berbahaya yang paling banyak adalah asap rokok, bahkan penyakit ini disebut sebagai penyakit asap rokok karena dominasi yang terlalu besar oleh asap rokok yang menyebabkan penyakit ini muncul. Semakin banyak terpapar asap rokok, semakin tinggi risiko.

“Orang normal saja jika terpapar cukup kuat sangat terpengaruh pada kesehatannya. Apalagi orang yang sebelumnya dengan riwayat penyakit pernapasan,” ujar Thahir.

Khusus untuk anak-anak yang terpapar abu vulkanik, mereka akan lebih sensitif dibandingkan dengan orang dewasa karena pernapasan pada anak-anak sedang dalam pertumbuhan. Misalnya saja jika anak jajan terlalu manis, mereka akan lebih cepat batuk karena terlalu sensitif pada makanan yang dikonsumsinya. Untuk orang yang sudah punya penyakit paru sebelumnya, begitu ada keluhan, segera hubungi ahli paru secepatnya.

Dikatakan oleh spesialis paru dari Rumah Sakit Persahabatan, Dr Agus Dwi Susanto SpP, abu vulkanik sangat mengganggu kesehatan manusia terkait dengan berbagai hal, terutama paru, mata, dan kulit.

“Secara umum, efek abu vulkanik pada paru akan menyebabkan iritasi karena bersifat asam,” ujar staf pengajar dari Divisi Paru Kerja dan Lingkungan Departemen Pulmonologi dan ilmu kedokteran Respirasi FKUI/RSCM.

Dijelaskan olehnya, iritasi yang terjadi adalah dari saluran pernapasan atas hingga bawah, seperti batuk-batuk atau bersin. Namun jika fasenya lebih lanjut, maka bisa menyebabkan sakit tenggorokan, timbunan dahak, sesak napas, juga kekambuhan pada penyakit paru apabila seseorang sebelumnya telah memiliki riwayat penyakit pernapasan. “Penyakit tersebut bisa terjadi, jika kejadiannya terus-menerus dan bertahun-tahun,” tegasnya.

Masih dijelaskan Agus, akibat lanjutan dari iritasi saluran napas yang terjadi adalah meningkatnya risiko terjadinya infeksi saluran pernapasan akut (ISPA). Sementara untuk efek jangka panjang, bisa terjadi penumpukan debu di paru atau silica yang berisiko terjadinya silikosis.

Dampak kesehatan yang terjadi di luar kesehatan pernapasan atau paru, di antaranya iritasi pada mata, seperti mata berair hingga kebutaan. Kulit pun menjadi bagian yang terkena dampak akan bahaya vulkanik, di antaranya iritasi berupa gatal-gatal, bisa membuat erosi, bahkan kulit bisa terbakar karena abu vulkanik. “Hindari paparan debu vulkanik dan pergi jauh dari sumber abu vulkanik,” pesannya.

Agus berpesan agar masyarakat sekitar yang terpapar abu vulkanik untuk terus memproteksi diri dari bahaya, seperti menggunakan masker yang aman. Pilih masker respirator yang bisa menyaring partikel-partikel kecil agar debu tidak bisa masuk dari samping. “Masker biasa tipis sehingga tidak bisa memproteksi 100 persen. Walaupun begitu, masker tetap direkomendasikan sebagai alat pelindung diri,” ujar dokter lulusan FK UI ini.
READ MORE - Debu Gunung Merapi Kalau Diperbesar

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ajaib, Pajak Google Cuma 2,4 Persen

Mengakali laporan keuangan demi menghindari pungutan pajak yang besar tidak harus terpaksa dilakukan secara ilegal. Kiat menghindari pajak besar pun dilakukan Google sehingga perusahaan internet raksasa itu bisa menghemat pengeluaran pajak sampai 3,1 miliar dollar AS dalam tiga tahun terakhir atau 26 persen pendapatan tahun lalu.

Penghematan tersebut sebenarnya hanya untuk pendapatan di luar AS. Di Negeri Paman Sam sendiri, Google kena pajak tahunan 35 persen. Untuk menghindari pajak dari pendapatannya di luar AS, Google mendistribusikan pendapatan ke beberapa negara. Pengalihan keuntungan Google ke negara lain dilakukan secara legal berdasarkan ketentuan dengan memanfaatkan aturan yang sering disebut Double Irish dan Dutch Sandwich.

Pendapatan iklan online yang diperoleh dari Inggris yang terkenal menerapkan pajak tinggi hingga 28 persen dan negara Eropa lainnya langsung dialihkan ke Irlandia yang mengenakan pajak 12,5 persen. Namun, tak sampai dipotong pajak, pendapatan tersebut dilarikan ke Belanda yang pajaknya rendah dan akhirnya hampir 100 persen dicatat di Bermuda yang pajaknya paling rendah.

"Sebuah keajaiban bila beban pajak Google serendah itu," ujar Martin A Sullivan, pakar pajak yang pernah bekerja di lembaga keuangan Negeri Paman Sam, dikutip Bloomberg, Jumat (22/10/2010). "Kita tahu, perusahaan ini beroperasi secara global, sebagian besar di negara-negara dengan pungutan pajak di atas 20 persen."

Namun, hingga saat ini, upaya Google menghindari beban pajak tinggi belum dinilai sebagai tindakan pelanggaran dalam ketentuan perpajakan. "Upaya Google tersebut sama seperti ribuan korporasi global lain yang beroperasi di berbagai bidang industri," kata juru bicara Google yang berbasis di Mountain View, California.
READ MORE - Ajaib, Pajak Google Cuma 2,4 Persen

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lepas dari Windows, Rusia Buat OS Sendiri

Rusia berencana untuk merubah layanan komputer di kalangan pemerintahannya dengan membuat sistem operasi sendiri untuk menyiapkan pengganti Windows serta mengurangi ketergantungan pada raksasa AS Microsoft dan lebih memantau keamanan komputer.

Untuk memuluskan rencana tersebut Moskow akan menggelontorkan 150 juta rubel atau USD4,9 juta demi mengembangkan sebuah sistem perangkat lunak nasional berdasarkan sistem operasi Linux.

"Kita akan menjadi independen dari Windows. Tetapi risiko menjadi implantasi membabi buta dari Linux," kata Wakil Juru Bicara Rusia wakil Ilia Ponomarev kepada AFP, Kamis (28/10/2010).

Kepedulian yang sama tentang mencapai kemerdekaan teknologi mendorong militer Rusia untuk membuat sistem navigasi satelit GLONASS pada 1980-an, untuk bersaing dengan US Global Positioning System (GPS) dan persaingan di masa depan di eropa.

Sebelumnya juga, India merencanakan untuk mengembangkan sistem operasi komputer baru, sebagai bagian untuk meningkatkan keamanan sistem komputer di negaranya.

"Sistem operasi baru sedang dikembangkan oleh Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO)," jelas Ravi Kumar Gupta, seorang juru bicara DRDO.

Memiliki sistem operasi sendiri akan membantu India mencegah hacking sistemnya. Nantinya, dua rekayasa perangkat lunak pusat sedang diatur untuk tujuan ini di Bangalore dan New Delhi.
READ MORE - Lepas dari Windows, Rusia Buat OS Sendiri

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mengembalikan Task Manager Windows

Seperti halnya mengembalikan atau menampilkan Folder Options yang hilang, atau Run begitu juga dengan Task Manager yang tidak bisa ditampilkan karena sengaja disembunyikan oleh admin komputer maupun karena serangan virus.
Bila komputer anda mengalami masalah Task Manager tidak bisa di ampilkan dan pada saat anda menekan CTRL + ALT + DEL (tanpa plus) muncul pesan seperti berikut

sudah tentu bahwa DWORD value dalam regedit yang bernilai 0 (nol) sudah di ubah menjadi 1 (satu), nah untuk mengembalikannya ikuti langkah-langkah atau tips dari belajar ilmu komputer berikut :

Langkah pertama

Ini dilakukan dengan asusmi bahwa komputer anda sudah terbebas dari virus (lakukan pembersihan virus pada komputer anda terlebih dahulu)
Masuk regedit dengan cara ketik regedit pada run menu, caranya klik start - run kemudian ketik regedit dan tekan Enter atau klik OK

Langkah kedua

Klik menu Edit kemudian pilih Find dan ketikkan kata DisableTaskMgr (penulisan tidak tegantung huruf kecil/besar) kemudian klik Find Next hingga menemukan data seperti berikut

bila sudah menemukan data seperti di atas maka ikuti langkah berikut ini

Langkah ketiga

Mengubah Value data DisableTaskMgr dengan cara double klik pada kata DisableTaskMgr dan ubah angka 1 (satu) menjadi 0 (nol) dan tekan ENTER atau klik OK dengan maksud agar Task Manager di enable kan

Langkah keempat

Tutup regedit dan coba tekan CTRL + ALT+ DEL (tanpa plus ya..)

semoga membantu....
READ MORE - Mengembalikan Task Manager Windows

Monday, October 25, 2010

Mozilla Firefox VS Google Chrome

Persamaan Google Chrome dan Mozilla firefox
- Sama-sama web browser.
- Sama-sama populer saat ini.
- Sama-sama memiliki user interface yang mudah dikelola.
- Sama-sama memiliki banyak dukungan (support development).

Perbedaan Google Chrome dan Mozilla firefox
- Firefox dikembangkan oleh para progammer diseluruh dunia dan menjadi sebuah proyek open source tersukses setelah Linux. Google Chrome walaupun open source, tetap dikembangkan oleh programmer Google sendiri. Selain itu, Firefox menjadi aplikasi yang berdiri sendiri dan terlepas dari campur tangan Mozilla, disisi lain Google Chrome menjadi jelmaan salah satu komponen dari Google. Firefox bersifat independen terhadap mesin pencari (search engine) manapun sedangkan Google Chrome, mau tidak mau harus terikat dengan Google.
- Google Chrome mengijinkan user untuk melakukan private browsing sekaligus non-private browsing. Disatu sisi, hali ini menguntungkan pengguna karena tidak perlu berpindah mode. Namun, disisi lain, Goole Chrome dapat saja meninggalkan jejak cookies dari mode non-private browsing, padahal pengguna yakin bahwa ia berada dalam mode private browsing. Firefox tidak mengijinkan penggunanya melakukan kedua hal yang berlawanan sekaligus. Demi keamanan Anda, Firefox rela mengorbankan sedikit kenyamanan Anda. Lagipula, jarang ditemukan kondisi dimana Anda menginginkan kedua mode tersebut berjalan bersamaan.

Keunggulan Google Chrome dan Mozilla firefox
Mozilla firefox
- Pada versi 3.5 lebih cepat dibanding versi-versi sebelumnya dan dapat menggeser dominasi Google Chrome.
- Karena keunggulan Firefox yang paling menonjol adalah pada cross platformnya Firefox dapat digunakan pada Sistem Operasi Linux, Windows, dan Macintos tanpa adanya perbedaan.
- Kecepatannya berbanding lurus dengan memory.
- Memiliki add-ons yang dapat ditambahkan pada Firefox.
- Firefox lebih stabil dalam hal optimalisasi memory, baik pada saat pengguna rendah atau pengguna tinggi.
- Dapat memperbesar size teks.
- Keamanan lebih terjamin.
Google Chrome
- Kemampuan browsing yang cepat.
- Otomatis membookmark semua situs yang pernah dibuka selain history, halaman yang sering dikunjungi, dan orangtua mudah memantau anak-anaknya.
- Browser addresnya yang sekaligus berfungsi sebagai search engine, ini merupakan fitur yang praktis dan istimewa.
- Mendukung flash dan java.
- Mendukung Bahasa Indonesia.
- Penggunaan memory tab yang terpisah.
- Auto-complete address input.

Kekurangan Google Chrome dan Mozilla firefox
Mozilla firefox
- Untuk versi 3.5 dapat membuat serangan jarak jauh untuk mengeksekusi kode jahat.
- Tidak memiliki pertahanan yang cukup bagus terhadap serangan pop-up bila kita membuka website dengan banyak pop-up yang muncul didepan layar monitor yang mengganggu kenyamanan browsing.
- Tidak memiliki pertahanan yang baik untuk menangani malware.
- Sering crash terhadap aplikasi-aplikasi komputer yang lain.
- Memakan memory yang besar apalagi ditambah dengan tab-tab baru.
- Karena banyaknya add-ons yang bisa ditambahkan membuatnya tidak stabil.
Google Chrome
- Masih versi beta.
- Masih banyak security holenya, sehingga tidak disarankan untuk digunakan bertransaksi keuangan.
- Penggunanya masih terbatas pada Windows XP dan Vista.
- Makin banyaknya tab yang dibuka, maka akan membutuhkan lebih banyak memory untuk browsing.
- Beberapa situs tidak bisa dibuka karena tidak mengenali web browser.
- Tidak bisa scroll keatas.
- Halaman post pada wordpress hanya bisa digunakan dalam mode HTML, tidak bisa dalam mode visual.
- Belum tersedia versi Linux
READ MORE - Mozilla Firefox VS Google Chrome